Maya Abdominal Massage - An Overview
When you arrive for your first appointment, here are some of the things you can expect:
- Comprehensive review of your personal health history and current health care needs.
- Abdominal massage focused on aligning reproductive and abdominal organs
- Evaluation and application of structural alignment of spine with attention to the sacrum , lumbar and thoracic spine.
- Instruction in Self Care Home techniques to enhance your professional treatment session
- Recommendation of complementary modalities:
- Herbal remedies
- Castor oil packs
- Faja (organ support wrap)
- Bajos (traditional vaginal steam bath of the Mayas - pronounced ba-hos)
- Nutritional and or lifestyle education and adaptations
Contraindications, Cautions, and Modifications
The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy are safe and effective with few contrainidcations of untoward outcomes. There are certain conditions where application of these techniques are either contraindicated or require modification. Please consult with your practitioner if you have any questions.
- During active menstruation
- IUD (intra-uterine device for contraception) is present
- Immediately after abdominal surgery
- Active infection or cancer present in pelvic area, or while undergoing chemotherapy
- During the first trimester (19 weeks) of pregnancy (modification)
- Hiatal Hernia (gentle massage required)
- Active and acute infection
- Abdominal Aneurysm
- Diastasis Rectus
- Pessary for uterine prolapse (remove prior to your session)
- Any serious health condition that causes you concern